第一阶段:PC证书(产品认证证书)/ Stage 1: PC certificate (product certification)
第1步,进口商注册SABER系统(Saber.sa)账号或者联系我们办理注册;importers register SABER system account or contact us for registration free;
第2步,进口商向SABER系统输入申请PC的产品信息;importer inputs product information of PC application to SABER system;
第3步,进口商在SABER系统中选择认证机构(因为每个认证机构要求都不相同,建议与我们进行提前确认,以免造成付款了证书办理不出来的情况);the importer selects the certification body in the SABER system (since each certification body has different requirements, it is recommended to confirm with us in advance, so as not to cause the payment done but failure of the certificate);
第4步,在线支付PC证书费用;online payment of PC certificate fees;
第5步,发证机构收到申请,联系出口商提供认证文件(重要文件之一:TR检测报告,委托我们进行测试);the CB receives the application and contacts the exporter to provide the certification documents (one of the important documents is TR Test report, which can be entrusted to us.);
第6步,发证机构提交审核通过的文件至SABER系统;CB submits approved documents to SABER system;
第8步,颁发PC证书,证书有效期1年。issue PC certificate with validity of 1 year.
第二阶段:SC证书(货运证书)Stage 2: SC certificate (shipment certificate)
1,进口商向SABER系统提交SC申请;importer submits SC application to SABER system;
2,发证机构确认PC证书的有效性;the CB confirms the validity of the PC certificate;
3,支付SC认证费;pay SC certification fee
4,签发SC证书,证书只针对该批次进口的货物。 issue of SC certificate only for one shipment.
To obtain Saber certification quickly and easily, please contact the inspection exemption operation.
Friendly reminder: the new rules have been officially implemented. Please contact us as soon as possible to complete the new SABER certification to avoid blocked goods export!!!